Sonntag, 18. März 2018

The best rewards ever.

3 of our 8th graders: Fenzy, Bertha
and Mason (on right)
                 I waited an extra week to write again because I was looking for something particular to tell you about. I didn't want to force something out just to keep up regular postings. But I do have something I really want to share with you today. The rewards and benefits I get here. Now since I am a volunteer and you are helping me survive daily expenses, I don't really get much "benefits" from my job other than free housing and a paid for visa (which is still pretty good). But I've been given different priceless rewards teaching these kids.

        Honestly, I've always enjoyed kids a lot. But after working at a low-class day care for 2 years, I needed a break from child-care. But in this school kids come from public schools where shaming is considered discipline, and classroom philosophy is basically survival of the fittest, meaning some of the transfer kids in 3rd grade had not even learned to read yet. But it is absolutely incredible to witness what love and one-on-one attention can accomplish! One example I experienced was our 8th grade kids. They are the oldest in the school and Ms. Sarah has been working with them to become leaders and role-models to the other kids. So since about 3-4 weeks ago I've been tasked with helping them prepare and learn their skit for their upcoming convention. Trust me when I say it was not all fun and games. Everyday at 2:45pm I would announce to them we had to go out to practice and everytime I was met with: "Oh Miss Julia we don't want to. We want to get our work done!" "Schoolwork is more important!" "It's fine Miss Julia we don't need to practice!" "Why do we always have to practice?"           
                                         -I mean...what kind of complaints are those???!!!
(f.l.) Mason, Bertha and Corvie performing their skit!
But I insisted they practice their skit, and set a deadline for them to have it all memorized! This last week they were expected to perform the skit and 2 songs for their peers, and when the day finally came, they were nervous but ready! They even preferred the skit to be the last event because it "was the best!" Their classmates loved it and laughed in all the right places! Before the performance I did a pep-talk circle with them and we prayed and got them pumped. It was an incredible experience to watch them work hard and stretch themselves, step outside of their comfort zones and perform. A cool side-story was on performance day we were preparing downstairs while the K-1st had their break. When the bell sounded Fenzy and Corvie (8th gr) were acting all old and tough and got 15 little kids lined up as they were supposed to, quieted them down, prayed with them and guided them into the classroom, while  Mr. Jorge and I just watched them entirely impressed. Don't they just sound like great kids?!
Christina and I
at the beach today

            I want to tell you about some kids who have been special to me especially these first few weeks. First is 13 year old Christina (who also goes by Makayla), I had mentioned her before when I told you about having to stay late with a student and help with Math homework. Well this was Christina. We're pretty certain she is dyslexic so she struggles to get through reading and understanding instructions in her books. But she is so smart! Well I have spent a lot of time with her 1-on-1 in class and so we have just kinda become buddies. On the day of my birthday she came up to me with a picture she had drawn for me (It said "Lordy, lordy look who's 24!) and was just beaming with pride and excitement when she gave me a big hug. Probably the best gift I have ever received! Oh and btw, she excitedly announced yesterday that she had read and understood the instructions in her math-book all by herself, and today after going to the beach she told me she planned to get all of her work done on time Monday! We'll see how that goes!
         The other I wanted to tell you about was Mason (pictured above). Mason is the school-president and he is 15 years old. Mason is also roughly 6 ft tall! I'm estimating but I'm pretty sure that is a legit estimation. He is a good kid, an amazing cook and such a great leader at the school. Any time Mason hears a kid giving me unnecessary attitude he snaps at them and tells them to behave and speak respectfully (he does this for most teachers). Along with his insanely contagious chuckle, gentle spirit and genuine heart, we are all certain he will become a great man one day!

This school has many more of these precious kids who continually make me feel like I have been rewarded better than I could have ever imagined! This is why I chose this field.




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