"Julia that feeling of utter awkwardness and discomfort, because you don't know how to act in a different culture - that's culture shock!"
In case you didn't know...my mom is really smart!
And suddenly it made SO much more sense to me! :) Not that this fixed all my emotions and problems ..but it gave a name to the struggle and the assurance that it could be a temporary problem if I willed it to. A few weeks have passed and I'm happy to tell you its being worked through and the frustration is slowly working itself out. BUT despite the discomfort of culture shock, I do want to tell you all about some really cool experiences I have had, since my last update!

- This happened to me recently! So I went out to a coffee-shop at one of the popular beaches close by, because it has AC and it's getting REALLY hot here! But I took my books and journal and ordered some food and planned on having a quiet afternoon. After some time there I wanted to listen to music, so I pulled out my headphones and as I picked them up to put them on this lady at the table across- facing me, spoke up and asked me where I was from. I told her and she asked me why I was in Roatan and after I told her I worked at a Christian School she got curious about if I was a Christian, and her chatty nature kept asking more and more questions about me. WELL 3 HOURS LATER, we are having coffee talking about our stories and experiences and she tells me - "Julia, I was talking to God this morning and I was not sure what to do today but I just decided to get lunch for myself; when I was sitting across from you I didn't want to bother you while you were writing but I knew I had to catch you before you put on your headphones! When you said you are a Christian I just knew I had to talk to you!"
You really never know how God will provide friendship and people to speak peace and joy into your life! Well I made a new friend, we're already excited to spend time together again! haha - Last Wednesday I stopped in the neighborhood, on my way back from running errands, to
Honor Roll trip kids after some fun in the water! - We had a staff party last night at our house, and right as we are getting ready to play a game of Spoons (if you don't know the card game....google it and educate yourself) with 9 people in a small-ish area.....the power goes off...... well this happens here frequently, usually turns on eventually. SO! You never realize how interesting this crazy game can be until you add the
Middle School girls and two very tired teachers! - Last week our school took all of the kids who completed their required amount of work for
honor roll on a field trip out to this new water park with a slide and had a fun day celebrating all of their hard work! And with the weather getting gradually hotter and hotter, the cool water was a nice change of pace! To continue that fun day, Sarah H. and I had the middle school girls (who are Sarah's weekly Bible study) came over to our house a few hours later for a sleepover! Which consisted of many games like Sardines, Upset the Fruitbasket and even some Zumba! (just for funsies of course!) We had one girl who had so much energy and every time we finished a game she would ask, "What game are we playing now?" I tapped out at midnight, and Miss Sarah tapped out at 2am. But we found out next morning some stayed up later and around 5 am they went on a small walk around our house....wow! The next day Sarah and I got to experience an awesome animal park where I got to hold a monkey and some beautiful birds and even zip-line through the jungle at the end of the day! - Climate is getting hotter! And more humid! I am reaching record amount of sweating over here! And if that wasn't fun enough!! Giant June bugs are a thing now!.....In case you didn't
Our Animal Park Crew!
Overall, I can tell you God is good, and I get to know him more every day! I enjoy listening and observing people around me! There is so much to learn in every aspect of my life!
Once again, thank you for your support. I am so grateful that I get to have this experience! And I have even learned an new appreciation for colder weather!
Please pray for my health as I got sick again! But thankfully we have a great doctor here!
I have reached the bare minimum with my funds, but I am still in need of a some funds since any transportation on my own costs money, as well as other efforts around here! (If you want exact details feel free to email me.)
Loving to learn about love with no borders 😉
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